Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Cold comfort

Woe is she who has a lovely fall/winter coat this season. While mild fall weather is usually not something to complain about, now, on the cusp of November (which is practically, though not technically, winter), I can't help but feel sorry for all those who have a toasty wool coat. I mean, do you wear it regardless of the mercury, just to get some wear out of it? Or do you let it languish in the closet as the weeks and perhaps even the style of your big fall purchase pass you by?

Take today for example. With the temperature in the mid-60s, I happened across several young ladies with the same look: chic, mid-length wool coats accompanied by flushed faces. As someone who gets warm very easily, I know the look quite well. And as a weather watcher, I rarely go wrong because of my trusty when-to-bring-out-what-outwear system:

50 to 60 degrees: blazer/chunky cardigan
40 to 50 degrees: fall coat (boxy, tweed, lined)/trench
20 to 40 degrees: puffer/peacoat
20 and below: winter coat

Fortunately, I am still shopping around for a winter coat. I figure I can take my time this season, seeing as I'm still comfortable wearing a blazer--a whole two coats away from a winter coat.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The long and short of it

Like the ever-divisive reaction to cilantro or Crocs, people seem to either love or hate Kirsten Dunst. Whether discussing her acting abilities or her style, some aspect of her, for some reason or other, is bound to irk/delight. Personally, I like the films she's been in but am no fan of hers. Which makes it all the more harder for me to admit that she has single-handedly inspired me to go smaller (bag-wise) and longer (strap-wise). I am obsessed with her latest bag.

Large and small, in black, white, gray and counting, an enviable collection of Jane Mayle Billie bags have been photographed on Ms. Dunst over the summer. Much like her consistency in taste--from boys to sunglasses--she has carried the long-strapped purse with total abandon, a refreshing change from the oversized totes that everyone else seems to be lugging around.

Yes, the classic Chanel chain-strap shoulder purse is also hot among the downtown and young Hollywood crowds of late, but it's thanks to Ms. Dunst that I have become a long-strapped purse devotee.

Chacun son gout, as they say.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Prime time

Spotted outside the Four Seasons: A and B dolled up in short, sexy, satin numbers. A checks out B, then herself and grins in approval.

A: We're so, like, The Hills or Gossip Girl or something.

B: Actually, I'm going for more of a Blair thing.

Seems that talk of Gossip Girl has not only hit the streets, but the hot show of the season also has its own influential character-based style. (The Blair being referred to is, of course, GG's naughty-meets-preppy Blair Waldorf.) Not bad after just three episodes. Next up? Quite possibly the bad-girl-turned-good, legs-down-to-there Blake look. Stay tuned.